Privacy Policy

Vrinsoft is a company offering services like mobile app development, web development, digital marketing, and much more. When you choose us, we value the belief you put on us thus we focus entirely on the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. We follow the guidelines of all the Acts related to the privacy policy, directed by the Government of the UK. If we use your personal information in any way, it will be limited to the guidelines of the said Acts only.

The privacy policies summarize the usage of personal information of client’s data as we want to keep thorough transparency with the customers. This document will describe the use of your personal information, and to what extent it can be used. Irrespective of the medium, any personal information collected will be utilized to the extent of following principles only-

Personal information

If you want to access some of the pages on our website, then the visitors will have to fill in some of their details like name, contact, or any other field on the pop-up window. We collect this in order to allow you to access our services and to explore the information. The reason to gather the information totally depends on the type of interaction we had with you. This information is also used to improvise the website in the best way possible for the clients.

The information is also used to communicate with you to hear inquires and fulfil all your requests in a given time.

Website-related information

The information like IP address, name, or any other data when you visit our website is used only for analytical purposes. This data will not be used unless it is for the legal investigation of a fraudulent case.

We intend to protect this information, and we recognize the privacy of the individuals as our top priority.


We may collect some of the information when you visit the website just to identify the user behaviour on the website and also to enhance the convenience and flexibility of the user. The cookies on the website understand the individual users on the basis of the session. The cookies we use expire with the session. When you are exploring our website, the cookie will notice the duration of the time you were using it, and once you close the website, the cookie will be removed from your computer immediately.

If you do not accept the cookie, you will not be able to browse all the content available on the website. The cookies we use are absolutely safe and are only used to understand your behaviour on the website and the time you spend on it. However, Vrinsoft does not link the cookies to identify your personal information like name or any other thing.

Change the cookies preferences

You have permission to change the preferences of these cookies. You can change it according to the way you want, no matter which browser you are using. Your browser will send you the notification when you open our website, which says if you want to allow or block the notification from our website. You can do the way you want going into the settings of the browser as well

Vrinsoft also uses persistent cookies, which will remember you for the time being. So, if you close the website, the cookies will be removed from your website and on the other hand, when you visit the website again, persistent cookies will identify you without assembling any personal information.

Therefore, it eventually works as session-based cookies just to identify your activities and time spent on the website.

Unwanted personal information

If by any means we collect the information that we were not intended to take then we might keep it as unsolicited personal information. According to the laws and the Acts stated by the Government of the UK, we may hold it if needed, and if the information is not needed we will suspend it by following the rules and regulations given by the laws and Acts.


Whenever you use any website, your data is transmitted with the servers, and this is where you have to be cautious. When you use the website of Vrinsoft, the data transfers within our servers are protected with encryption.

Hence, any hacker or fraudulent party will not be able to use this information except our server.

We know that your information is crucial, which is why we use encryption to keep your information safe within our server whenever you visit the website.

Removal, Alteration, and Access of your personal information

According to the provisions and policies of Vrinsoft, you possess all the right to remove, modify or add your personal information from our website. All you need to do is send us a mail on explaining your queries and we will work on the same to make the changes about the personal information.


At Vrinsoft, we welcome all the grievances about the privacy policy and we will be happy to help you in every way possible. Just send us an email at and our professionals will personally look into your concern.

Amendments in the document of privacy policy-

Vrinsoft possesses the right to adapt to the latest changes according to the business standards, and this document can be amended at any time without informing the users. You can still get copies of the privacy policy whenever you want by requesting the same to our email id

Extra information

If you need any additional information about the privacy policy of Vrinsoft, feel free to contact us at